Welcome to TargetPilot! This tutorial will guide you to quickly start using the TargetPilot product, which provides you with an intelligent lead generation and customer service solution for your e-commerce business.

Step 1: Understanding TargetPilot TargetPilot is an independent site lead generation Agent creation platform dedicated to helping merchants create a personalized online shopping experience through advanced AI technology. We utilize AGI search and push engine and self-feedback generation model to provide e-commerce merchants with a smart body platform, aiming to improve the shopping experience of C-end users and the operational efficiency of B-end merchants.

Step 2: Login Visit the TargetPilot website at www.targetpilot.ai (opens in a new tab) and sign in with your Google account.

Step 3: Configure Copilot After logging in, enter the Copilot configuration page. Customize the bot's avatar, name, brand color, and communication style to match your brand image.

Step 4: Upload and manage product information Add product name, description, picture and price in the "Product Management" module. 2. Upload product information through Excel table or other file formats.

Step 5: Set up intelligent shopping guide logic set up recommendation logic according to product characteristics and user behavior. 2. use AI capability to realize personalized shopping. Use AI capability to realize personalized product recommendation.

Step 6: Monitor data analysis use the data panel to monitor user interactions with bot, including the number of active users, number of messages, and user satisfaction. analyze key e-commerce data such as the number of product displays, clicks, and transactions.

Step 7: Customize Dialogue and Feedback set up like and click feedback mechanism to collect user feedback. Optimize bot responses and recommendations based on user feedback.

Step 8: Integrate Copilot to the official website Follow the tutorial provided to integrate the configured Copilot into your e-commerce website. After the operation is completed, Copilot will be displayed in the bottom right corner of your website.

Step 9: Continuous optimization and customer service support Continuously optimize Copilot settings based on user feedback and data analysis results. In case of technical problems, contact the customer service team for assistance.

Step 10: Marketing with Copilot Understand market trends and user needs through the information and data analysis provided by Copilot. Adjust marketing strategies to enhance brand awareness and user loyalty. Precautions

  • Ensure the configuration of Copilot is consistent with your brand style to enhance user trust.
  • Regularly check and update product information to ensure its accuracy.
  • Monitor user feedback and make timely adjustments to improve user satisfaction.
  • Leverage Copilot's data analytics to gain insight into user behavior and preferences.

With the above steps, you can take full advantage of TargetPilot's AI shopping guide to add an intelligent boost to your e-commerce business, enhancing customer experience and sales performance.